
Confirmation of Change of Name

This service allows Rwandan citizens to request confirmation of their official name change. The applicants will get a change request notice that they will use to be updated in different registries. This service is provided by the Ministry of Local Government.

The processing time is seven days, and the price is Rwf 20,000. 


  • Applicants should have an application number generated while submitting a change of name application.

  • The required attachments are a gazette and media publication documents (a stamped radio reception certificate and a stamped newspaper page). 

  • Applicants should have a valid phone number, email address, or both. 

Follow these simple steps to apply for confirmation of a change of name: 

  1. Visit the Irembo platform: www.irembo.gov.rw  and log in to your agent account.

  1. To start a new application, click the "new application" icon.

  2. Under Identification, click on Change of Name.

  1. Select Confirmation of Change of Name Request and click on Apply.

  1. Enter the application number of the applicant to view its details on the right side of the page. Attach the required documents in the right format and size, then click "Next" to proceed.

  1.  Verify that the information is true, enter the applicant’s  phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click on Submit.

 NOTE: Please check in with the applicant to ensure all information provided is true and correct.

  1. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment, Click Pay

  2. Applicants choose the mode of payment; for more information about payment modes, click here

NOTE: After successfully applying and paying the application via IremboGov, it is sent to MINALOC again for processing. Once it is approved, here are the next steps for the applicant: 

  • Receives the change of name confirmation certificate from MINALOC via email or downloads it on the IremboGov platform.

  • Publishes the change of name confirmation in the gazette, attaches the certificate, and pays for the application. Click here for more information. 

  • Download the Gazette Publication Document on the IremboGov platform.

  • The applicant applies for national ID correction so that the changes reflect on their ID. 

Treasure is the author of this solution article.

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