
How an Agent can Apply for Rwandan Nationality by Acquisition - Statelessness.

Rwandan nationality by acquisition on the grounds of statelessness is granted to an applicant or beneficiary who is a stateless person on the territory of Rwanda on the date of application and does not threaten national security. The follow-up time is 6 months after receipt of the application. The service is provided by the Directorate-General of Immigration and Emigration. Here is a brief guide on how an agent can assist a user in applying for the service.

The processing time is 180 days, and the service price is RWF 10,000.


  • Applicants should have a foreign /refugee ID, refugee travel document, CEPGL, Laissez-passer, or any other form of identification.

Required attachments (4)

  • Recommendation issued by Executive Secretary of the Cell of their residence

  • Letter addressed to the Director General of Immigration applying for nationality

  • Detailed CV

  • Passport photo of the applicant

Optional attachments (2)

  • Birth certificate

  • A certificate of properties in Rwanda or employment (If any)

Follow these simple steps to help an applicant apply for Rwandan nationality by Acquisition -  Statelessness.

  1. Visit the Irembo platform at www.irembo.gov.rw  and log into your agent account.

  1. A small window will pop up. Fill in both your phone number and your password, then click login.

  1. Click the "new application" icon to start a new application.

  1. Under  Immigration and Emigration, click on “Rwandan nationality by acquisition”

  1. Select “the ground of application by statelessness”; click apply.

  1. Fill in the applicant's details, identification type, date of birth, civil status, etc.

  1. Upload the required documents in the correct format.

  1. Verify that the information is true, enter a phone number and/or email address, check the verification box, and click on Submit.

  1. A billing Number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment, Click Pay.

  1. Applicants can choose their preferred mode of payment. For more information about payment modes, click here.


  • Upon payment, their application will be processed by DGIE. The applicant will receive an email or SMS notifying them about any change in the status of their application. 

  • Once the applicant’s Rwandan nationality is approved, the Rwanda Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration will notify them of the date and venue of oath-taking and collection of their nationality certificate. 

Ivan is the author of this solution article.

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