
Frequently Asked Questions about Authentication for an orphan's status.

This service allows citizens to officially verify and obtain confirmation of their orphan status from the Rwandan government. It issues an official orphan certificate that can be used to access legal assistance and benefits for orphans. The service is provided by the Ministry of Local Government ( MINALOC).

The following are the most frequently asked questions by agents about orphan status.

  1. Is there a fee for this service?

The service is free of charge.

  1. How long does it take to process this application?

The processing time is 1 day.

  1. What documents should the user provide in order to submit the application?

The user should provide a Death Certificate of the deceased parent(s) or court of judgment.

  1. Who is eligible to apply for authentication for an orphan's status?    

Rwandans with a national ID for adults or a child ID for minors.

  1. How can the applicant get the certificate once approved?

The applicant will receive an e-certificate via email or can download the orphan certificate from Irembo platform.

Ivan is the author of this solution article.

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