The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) Issuance service allows a user to obtain an ISBN number for their books or book-like products published in Rwanda. The ISBN is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies the user’s publication. It is issued by the Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy (RCHA) after an agent submits their application and it meets all requirements.
The following are Agents' most frequently asked questions when applying for an International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
Is there a fee to obtain an ISBN?
The price depends on the total number of titles.
How long does it take to process an ISBN application?
The processing time is 5 working days from the date of submission.
What is the expiration time for the billing number?
The billing number expires in 48 hours.
What attachments are required by the applicant when applying for an ISBN?
The required attachments are:
Description of Books or Maps (download template).
And the conditional attachments are:
Passport copy (if the applicant is using a passport as ID),
RGB Registration Certificate (if applying for an organization).
Who issues the ISBN in Rwanda?
The Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy (RCHA) issues ISBN numbers to the user after the agent submits the application and it meets all requirements.