
How to request travel clearance during Umuganda as an agent.

This article guides the agent on how to request a travel clearance during Umuganda on the user's behalf. This service is designed to assist individuals or groups who need to travel during Umuganda for reasons such as funeral services, emergency meetings, commemoration of the genocide against Tutsi, or any other urgent reasons. The service is provided and processed by  Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC)

The processing time is 1 working day, and the service is free of charge.


- Applicants must have a national ID (for Rwandans) or passport (for foreigners).

- Groups and companies must have their group/ institution's name and TIN number.

- Applicants should have a valid phone number.

- The required attachment can be a supporting document for the request.

Follow these simple steps to help the applicant with requesting travel clearance during Umuganda as an agent.

  1. Visit the Irembo platform at www.irembo.gov.rw  and log into your agent account.

  1. A small window will pop up. Fill in both your phone number and your password, then click login.

  1. Click the "new application" icon to start a new application.

  1. Under Media and Society, click on Request for travel during Umuganda.

  1. Click "Apply" to start an application.

  1. Enter the Applicant’s Details;

  • Select their citizenship status as either Rwandan or foreigner.
  • For Rwandans, enter their National ID to fetch their personal details automatically from the NIDA database.
  • For foreigners, manually enter their passport number, nationality, surname, and other names, gender, and date of birth.
  • Also, ask them to provide a valid phone number.

  1. Attach the supporting documents in the right format (like hospital and death certificates), then click Next.

  1. Verify that the applicant’s information entered is correct, then check the confirmation box and click "Submit.”

  2. The applicant will receive an application number ( B2……)  via SMS/email for tracking purposes.

Upon submitting the application and supporting documents, the applicant will receive a confirmation SMS and/or email. After the processing office approves their application, they will receive an e-certificate via email or be able to download it via Irembo.

Ivan is the author of this solution article.

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