This service enables applicants to book a time slot at the Rwanda Biomedical Center in Gikondo for a yellow fever vaccination.
The following are the most frequently asked questions about Yellow Fever Vaccination service by agents;
How much does an applicant pay for a Yellow Fever Vaccination Appointment?
The price is Rwf 15,000.
Can everyone apply for a Yellow Fever Vaccination?
Yes, except pregnant women and people with chronic diseases are not eligible for a Yellow Fever Vaccination.
I have an applicant who is a foreigner/refugee with a passport. Can I apply for a Yellow Fever Vaccination Appointment for them?
Yes, you can apply for the service on their behalf.
Can a refugee or foreigner with a Rwandan ID apply for a Yellow Fever Vaccination Appointment?
Yes, they are eligible for the service.
Where can an applicant get the child's application number?
An applicant will contact the sector office where they reside to provide the child application number or register the child in the national population registry.
Where does an applicant get the yellow fever certificate?
The yellow fever is provided at RBC just after your vaccination.