This article guides the agent in paying for Laboratory tests on the user's behalf. This service allows applicants to pay for their laboratory tests and provide proof of payment. The service is provided by the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC).
The prices of this service vary by test, and the billing number expires within 24 hours if it is not paid for.
NOTE: Please ensure you pay for the correct test by having the applicant consult with RBC staff or concerned health workers before proceeding with this application.
Rwandan citizens should have a national ID number.
Foreigners should have a passport number or a (Rwandan) foreigner ID number.
Refugees should have a refugee ID number.
Applicants should have a valid phone number and/or email address.
Follow these simple steps to apply for a laboratory test as an agent:
Visit the Irembo platform at and log in to your agent account.
Click the "new application" icon to start a new application.
under Health, click on Laboratory Test.
After selecting Laboratory Test, click Apply.
Fill in your "applicants details" and select " Laboratory test," then click "Next."
Verify that the information is true, enter your phone number and/or Email Address, check the verification box, and Click Submit.
NOTE: Please check in with the applicant to ensure all information provided is true and correct.
A billing number/ID (88…) will be generated for payment.
Applicants choose the mode of payment; for more information about payment modes, click here.
Note: After paying for this service, the applicants receive a notification of the successful payment and the test name they selected. Then, the applicant will visit the nearest test centre (NLA or health facilities) with the payment receipt.